The Flash Animated Label Cloud has been a popular widget for WordPress and Blogger for some time. Previously I published two tutorials on the Flash Label Cloud and Installing the Flash Labels Cloud[Video Tutorial]. But both tutorials were hard to follow and did not work on some blogs. Today i have a brand new script that solves all those problems and a widget generator that makes it very easy to add to your blog. You also have a number of options such as the width, height, colors and speed.
Here You will see the flash animated label Cloud.
What’s New?
- New SWFobject Script
- Uses the Blogger API and Pulls the Labels
- No Need to Edit the Template.
- You can Place this Label Cloud Widget inside a Post and Any Where
How to Install New Flash Animated Label Cloud Widget?
- Click the Widget Generator Button
- Customize the Settings as you need
- Click on Generate button and add widget to your Blog
Please Share this widget.